Schneider Square D, set up on a hole for the day

Ben Burr with Graybar, Lindsey Darnell with Graybar, Cam Hildreth with Graybar and Ron Hinson with Hinson Electric

Eric Little with TEAM Agency, Chuck Smith with Eldeco, Dale Caldwell with Eldeco and Glenn McCarter with Graybar Electric

Winning Team Chris Melton, SimplexGrinnell (not pictured Del Clark, Alexa Jeffrey and Eric Carroll – all with SimplexGrinnell)

2nd Place – Jeff Hinson, Hinson Electric; Garrett Hinson, Hinson Electric; Matt Helms, Hinson Electric (not pictured Aaron Tarlton with Hinson Electric)

3rd Place Billy Joe Hinson and Tom Allen with EGS (not pictured Ken Burke with Mayer & Greg Mullis with Hinson Electric)

Simplex Grinnell Team – Del Clark, Eric Carroll, Alexa Jeffery and Chris Melton

Hinson Electric Team – Garrett Hinson, Matt Helms, Jeff Hinson and Aaron Tarlton

Eric Little with TEAM Agency, Chuck Smith with Eldeco, Dale Caldwell with Eldeco and Glenn McCarter with Graybar Electric

Square D by Schneider Team – Damian Flott, Chris Finley, Reed Todd and Ralph Paulk

Dave Clutts with Qwest Electric, Nate Keppler with Premier Electrical Staffing, FJ Rotunda with Rotunda Electric and Chris Blevins with Premier Electrical Staffing

Garrett Hinson with Hinson Electric won Longest Drive

Jason Smith with WB Moore won Closest to the Pin #3

CECA Past President, Jack Hargett, Hargett Electric (left) and Glenn McCarter, Associate Member Vice President (right) gave out the prizes. Doug Manning with Eagle Fire won Longest Putt

Mike Lamach and Matt Bennett with Siemens won the Grizzly Cooler donated by Federated- Dustin Hudson and Nate Sipp with Federated pulled the winning ticket

Scott Sherrill with Shealy-Border States, Paul McClain with E.F. Belk & Son, Andrew Belk with E.F. Belk & Son and Donnie Belk with E.F. Belk & Son

Craig Brawley with Mayer Electric Supply, Doug Blevins with Blackmon Service, Tim Deagle with JG Blackmon and David Locke with EGI Associates

Jack Hargett with Hargett Electric, Andy Huffman with LiteSource, Robbie Garrison with Graybar Electric and John Moore

The Eagle Fire Team – Chandler Rogers, J R Kane and Doug Manning

Brad Schmidt with Adams Electric, Jonathan Hoyle with Shealy-Border States, Lance Holmes with Thomas & Betts and Cory Souders with TEAM Lighting

Chase Barnett with WB Moore, Jason Smith with WB Moore, Sean Donnelly with TEAM Lighting and Sean Richard with Shealy-Border States

Buck White with Leviton, Matt Anderson with Adams Electric, Cale Wolfe with Schneider Square D and Kevin Bowman with Shealy-Border States

Danny Culicerto with Shealy-Border States, Lance Milligan with Adams Electric, Rodney McCarter with McCarter Electric and Joel Wynn with Southwire

Colin Meulman with Gexpro, Eli Harrington with Gaylor, Justin Baker with Gaylor and Craig Tresher with Rexel

Ken Burke with Mayer Electric Supply, Billy Joe Hinson, retired from Starr Electric, Tom Allen with EGS and Greg Mullis with Hinson Electric

Jeff Hribal with CED, Donnie Ruthfuss with CED, Andrew Burman with Qwest and Phil Bonham with CED

Bagby Team – Todd Mehrmann, Jimmy Pollina, Craig Allison and Alan

Siemens Team – Mike Lamach, Scott Adkins, Matt Bennett and Chad Stahley

Doug Rodney with McNaughton-McKay, Adam Biggs with Omni Cable, Andy Pond with McNaughton-McKay and Stephen Parker with Omni Cable

Chad Duggins with PowerWorks, CECA Convention and Event Chairman, Hoyt Stephens with CED, Nick Dascoulias with PowerWorks and Larry Neill with PowerWorks

Rob Mack with Whisonant Electric, Joe Pyzik with Shealy-Border States, Charlie Whisonant with Whisonant Electric and Ben Rivers with Shealy-Border States

Richard Kerr with Cregger Company, Harry Steele with STELECO, Tommy Byrd with STELECO and Scott Murr with Charlotte Mechanical

Ryan Clark with Outsource, Nate Sipp with Federated Insurance, Dustin Hudson with Federated Insurance and Austin Ledford with Outsource

Lynn Dyerr with Cregger Company, Jim Elliot with Cregger Company, Matthew Green with Cregger Company and Scott Williams with LS Electric

John Riggan with HE Williams, Dell Matthews with TEAM Lighting, Michael Everhart with TEAM Lighting and Gary McCall with Graybar

Dennis Horne with Mayer Electric Supply, John Job with Eldeco, Kevin Brandt with Eldeco and Mike Smith with Mayer Electric Supply

Ryan Mercer with Capitol Power, Kevin Burke with Capitol Power, Joe Jones with Schneider Electric, Jimmy Jack with Capitol Power

Tim Price with Watson Electrical, David Smith with Progress Lighting, Buddy DeWitt with Gexpro and Stacie Herrera with Watson Electrical

Adams Electric Team- Greg Charles, Ted Wood, Nick Shuemaker and David Reed

Tyler Klein with Border States; Brett Polk, Joshua Baynard and Mark Beeson all with Burdy, LLC

Chris Norris and Darin Wilson with Carolina CAT

Tommy Ratteerree with WESCO, Allison Grimes with 3M Electrical Markets, Austin Steele with WESCO and Matthew Streater with City Electric

CPG- Capitol Power Group set up on a hole for the day

Ron Hinson, Hoyt Stephens and Jack Hargett welcomed everyone to the tournament